External trigger

Kick-off executions programmatically via an external endpoint


The External trigger component creates an endpoint that can be hit externally in order to kick-off execution of a Canvas. Data can be passed to the Canvas in the body of the request.

Once saved, the component's associated details will be available:


  1. Path: The path that needs to be included in requests to the external trigger endpoint in order to kick off this specific flow in the Canvas.
  2. FieldsA list of fields that can be passed in requests to the external trigger endpoint and whose values will be available in the ctx object of the EVM Lambda that executes as a result of the request.


Using the three-dot menu, you can delete or duplicate an External Trigger component. You can also copy a cURL request to your external trigger endpoint for testing.

Using the toggle, an External Trigger can be disabled/enabled.

Sync or async

When you call the API for your External Trigger, you must pass one of twocall_type parameters:

  • sync(default): The results of the execution are returned in the response to your call to the external trigger.
  • async: The results of the execution are piped downstream through schemas to any persistence, webhook, or schema mirrors.

Allowed edges


  • None


  • EVM Lambda: an External Trigger must be connected to some EVM Lambda component in order to kick-off anything when hit.

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