Data source
Define the chain and block range for an execution
The data source component defines the chain and block range of an execution.

- Chain: Choose a supported chain from the dropdown.
- Block range: Choose a From and To block.
- The From block can be any block between in [1, tip block]. It is a closed limit, i.e., the From block is the first block executed. If left blank, the execution will start at the tip.
- To can be any block number greater than the From block or left empty. It is an open limit, i.e., the last block executed is the To-1.
- If it is greater than the current tip block, the associated execution will continue to run at the tip until the To block is reached.
- If To is empty, the execution will run indefinitely at the tip.
Using the three-dot menu, you can delete or duplicate a data source component.
Allowed edges
A data source component is used exclusively to define data for an execution, which is constructed as an edge between a data source and a EVM Lambda and/or Patch component.
- EVM Lambda
- Patch
- None
Updated 2 months ago
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