- getERC20Allowance: Returns the allowance for a given ERC20 token, owner, and spender
- getERC20Allowances: Returns all allowances for a given owner
- getERC20Balances: Returns ERC20 token balances for all tokens in which the given address has ever held a position
- getAddressesForERC1155: Returns the addresses that hold any token within a given ERC1155 contract
- getERC1155Balances: Returns ERC1155 token balances for all tokens in which the given address has ever held a position
- getENSForAddress: Returns the latest ENS registration for an address
- getPriceFromUniswapV3: Returns the price of any token (denominated in any other) using Uniswap V3
- getFOIA: Returns all instances where contracts' storage mappings include a given address, in the spirit of the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)