
Core tables, better querying, and more

Improvements and new features

  1. Core tables, backfilled and updating at the tip! We're continuing to improve ergonomics, add sample queries, and validate, but we'd love for you to start using them for analysis or APIs:

    1. @sim.ethereum_erc20_balance_changes
    2. @sim.ethereum_erc20_allowance_changes
    3. @sim.ethereum_erc721_owner_changes
    4. @sim.ethereum_erc721_approval_changes
    5. @sim.ethereum_mapping_storage_writes
    6. @sim.base_dex_trades
  2. You can now duplicate a canvas (from any org) into your own org. All of the canvas state carries over. You can edit the duplicated canvas as you wish to run your own executions, populate persistences, etc.

  3. Ever wished you could use sim to instrument your data but still keep things in the confines of your own infrastructure? Well, wish no more! You can now mirror your schemas to an external Kafka with minimal latency. This handy feature will soon be available as a self-serve component in your canvases. For now, if you have a schema you'd like to mirror, just give us a shout and we'll get it set up in a matter of minutes!

  4. Query editor now shows query execution metadata and paginates results.

  5. Some more minor changes:

    1. Schema functions in the EVM lambda component now define their messages in a struct. This allows you to include arbitrarily many columns--previously it was capped at 16. It also makes the messages a bit more explicit, and makes the ordering more flexible.

    2. EVM lambda test interactions now show results in more interpretable types, e.g., decimal representation for integers.

    3. When you edit the name of an interface in the Interface code tab of the code editor, the new name will show up in the sidebar for later reference.

    4. You can expand the width of components in the canvas by dragging from their right edge.

Bug fixes

  1. Sometimes a "run" interaction in the query editor would run an older version of the query due to a race condition between the saving and execution. This is now fixed.
  2. Coverage of Base and Arbitrum was limited for address (and import ABI via address) hooks. We refetched contracts to fix this.

Coming soon

  1. Based on your feedback, we're working on a simplified, more focused EVM lambda component. It'll also allow you to edit and create schemas within the EVM lambda component. Here's a sneak preview:
  1. More core tables:
    1. Block, transaction, and DEX tables for Ethereum
    2. ERC20, 721, and mapping storage writes tables for Base