Canvases, deconstructed
September 23rd, 2024
New features
- Component tables in org dashboard: Sometimes you might find yourself looking for a particular API, Persistence, or Webhook but you don't remember what canvas it's in. Or you might want to see all of your components of a given type in one place. Now you can for APIs, Persistences, and Webhooks in the org dashboard. Clicking on any row opens a component detail page.

- Copy ABI button in sim Explorer: We added a button so you can copy the raw ABI from a contract page on Explorer to use it for an ABI hook or other purposes (e.g., modifying the ABI of a beacon proxy to that of its implementation to support an address hook).

Bribes coverage on sim Explorer: We added coverage of builder bribes to sim Explorer. You can see bribes for each transaction in block pages (e.g.) and we have a standalone bribes leaderboard at
LP deployment and liquidations core tables: Check them out at LP deployments and Liquidations.
Improvements to "Add component from edge" flow: You can now add new components or connect existing ones (via selection or dragging) by clicking the node edge. And we added icons.
Coming soon
- Improved mechanics for query results and lambda logs panes: Currently we have a few minor bugs involving the sizing of panes in our Query Editor, Patch, and Lambdas. For instance, in the query editor, some of your SQL gets hidden under the query results pane and you can't properly scroll to it. You may also have noticed that the sizing gets messy when you drag from one window to another. We have a much more robust experience, with fixes for these bugs, coming soon.
- Emitting data directly to external DBs: With the current schema mirror, you can mirror sim data to an external Kafka topic and then ingest from there into your preferred DB. For certain DBs, starting with Postgres, we're working to make it even easier to directly ingest the data from sim in to the DB, without needing an external Kafka topic.
- Base support for sim Explorer: It's gonna be so based!
- FOIA -> sim Explorer: We'll add a new page to sim Explorer (and a new component to EoA pages) relating to our existing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) query template, which allows you to see all instances of an address in contract mappings.