
Base and Arbitrum now supported! (+ much more)


  1. Base and Arbitrum: you can now run EVM lambdas on them!
    1. Backfills on Base and Arbitrum may be a little slower while we tune them.
    2. Source code backfills are ongoing, so storage tracking and ABI hooking might be limited for some contracts. If you run into this, let us know and we can manually add the contract.
    3. Arbitrum support starts at block 22207818, the block after Arbitrum Nitro genesis.
  2. New query and API experience makes querying your data and building APIs much easier.
    1. Instead of writing SQL queries in small input boxes in your canvas, we've broken it out to a dedicated query editor. It has autocomplete and renders results in a table.
    2. Before, an API node's query was defined in a connected Query node. We've instead put the query definition directly in the API component, and deprecated the old query node.
  3. Onboarding: You'll notice more helpful tips around the canvas and below components. If you close these, they won't reappear unless you reset your browser's local storage. You can open each component's quick guide at any time in its action menu.


  1. We've added a few demo canvases to the org dashboard screen as well our new marketing site, They're also documented in our documentation hub:
  2. We're continuously expanding our closed alpha to new users. If you know of any folks that might benefit from the tool, please put us in touch!